Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Project 1a _Tweening the Control Lines


bluewolf963 said...

You have a very interesting image. It looks like a rippling plane, responding to some outside force. However, I had to really look at your image before I could start to understand it. Its kind of hard to read; you should considering using lofting, or another tool/method for giving more body to the forms you are creating, which would help them to read better.

L!N said...

M, your choise of vocabulary is making me question the nature of your intent and my personal interpretation of what "Tweening" means.

My original reaction was that "oh no, how can she 'inbetween' anything without the key frames?!"

But by "tweening the control lines" you have titled the control lines to be the key frames. That quite literally means you are freeing yourself from working with the original figural key frames.